Kirk Elder is Life President of The Peebles Showboaters Amateur Dramatic Society. For many years a columnist on The Scotsman newspaper, he is currently "in recovery" from the experience. He enjoys parma violets, cloudless winter nights, and the films of Mr Burt Lancaster. He is currently writing his autobiography, "And Not For the Better".
Friday, May 05, 2006
Mr Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson MP Versus Germany. Where Are You When We Need You, Mr Eddie Waring?
As a politician, Mr Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson MP has always treated public affairs as if he were appearing on an edition of It's A Knockout. In this video clip, he appears to be taking this approach to a new level.
I fail to see why Boris's headbutt to the fella's tatties has made him a national hero when my own school sports failings earned me only ridicule and abuse (of a verbal rather than sexual nature) from Lasswade High School's brutish PE teachers. As it happens we did have a German exchange student for a short while, whom one assumes I might have hit in his privates to earn praise were it not for the fact he was always surrounded by jeering bullies shrieking "don't mention the war!".
What can you see about the midfield general, Bozzer that he hasn't already said himself. The man is a genius/lunatic.
I fail to see why Boris's headbutt to the fella's tatties has made him a national hero when my own school sports failings earned me only ridicule and abuse (of a verbal rather than sexual nature) from Lasswade High School's brutish PE teachers. As it happens we did have a German exchange student for a short while, whom one assumes I might have hit in his privates to earn praise were it not for the fact he was always surrounded by jeering bullies shrieking "don't mention the war!".
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